

The theme is based on Isaiah 55:3, ‘ … come to me, listen, that you may live‘. Daily sermons will explore the chapters of Isaiah 55.


Dates and Venues

  1. Online sessions
    1–2 October 2021
  2. In-person sessions
    9–12 February 2023
    Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre, Victoria
    Meeting space – 1 Convention Place, South Wharf, Vic 3000
    Meals, worship and exhibition space – 2 Clarendon Street, South Wharf, Vic 3000




On 10 June 2021, the General Church Board resolved to conduct the Convention of General Synod partly online.

Taking into account the extraordinary circumstances relating to COVID-19, the GCB unanimously agreed to hold the 20th regular Convention of General Synod in two parts:

  • an online meeting in early October 2021, which will then be adjourned until
  • the meeting resumes in-person at a location to be determined in September or October 2022.

Read the story

Due to difficulties procuring a venue for late 2022, in October 2021 the General Church Board approved moving the in-person sessions of the 20th Convention of General Synod to February 2023.

We are grateful for the support of the LLL, the major sponsor of Convention of General Synod

You are donating to : Greennature Foundation

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