

An unchanging mission

Preaching at the closing service of the Convention of General Synod in Melbourne on Sunday, Pastor Neville reminded the hundreds of delegates, organisers, staff and visitors present that the reason for the church’s existence, the urgency of its work and the joy implicit in the message of the gospel are the same at its 20th General Synod as they were at its first.

God restores beauty to the broken

God is a master potter who shapes his church into something beautiful and restores that beauty by piecing back together his creation when it is broken. That was the message of encouragement from Western Australia District Bishop Mike Fulwood during Saturday’s worship at the LCANZ’s Convention of General Synod in Melbourne.

Synod welcomes Finke River Mission delegates

Melbourne’s city skyline was a stark contrast to the vast verdant landscape of Central Australia for four Aboriginal delegates attending the Lutheran Church of Australia and New Zealand’s 20th Convention of General Synod from 9 to 12 February 2023.

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